Comprehensive reporting for cash application teams

Solution Guide

Match remits and invoices, perform audits and measure team performance with Billtrust’s comprehensive reporting suite

Match remits and invoices, perform audits and measure team performance with Billtrust’s comprehensive reporting suite

woman pointing at computer showing team billtrust cash application report 

Billtrust’s Cash Application Reports include valuable insights to empower your accounts receivable managers to:

  • Perform reconciliation
  • Track team and individual user performance
  • Monitor cash application system performance
  • Audit specific matches and actions
  • Gain visibility of remote check deposits.

The purpose of this guide is to highlight Billtrust Cash Application’s robust reporting capabilities and insights, which you can export to PDF, Excel or your preferred report formats. 

Apply cash faster than ever before with Reconciliation Reports

Every week, accounts receivables managers are under pressure to apply incoming payments to open invoices as soon as possible so their firms can access cash and replenish their customers’ credit faster.. 

Billtrust Cash Application’s four Reconciliation Reports can help accelerate your matching process: 

Import Export Report

Gain real-time visibility of names, total amounts, and envelope counts of files loaded into Cash Application. This summary screen makes it easy to find specific payments or remittance files that you’re looking for.

Unknown Receivables Report

Enable your team to view details about all payments that have been marked as unknown or cash on account. You can filter payments by credit date, job name, batch ID, envelope ID, and more!

Amount Variance Report

Empower your staff to view all invoice items that have amounts paid different from the invoice amount. Quickly and easily identify short payments and overpayments with this real-time report, saving hours every week.

Workflow Report

Display all active and rejected payments  currently in Billtrust Cash Application in real time. You can even drill down to view envelope details in each queue to identify specific job names. 

Billtrust Workflow pie chart report with informational table 

Measure team performance with Performance Reports

AR teams that manage cash application manually don’t typically have real-time visibility of each team member’s cash application actions and productivity such as number of envelopes processed, envelopes processed per hour and manual actions performed. 

Billtrust Cash Application’s Team Performance Reports can help AR managers monitor their individual team members’ performance and take action to boost productivity with a User Action and User Statistics Report.

User Action Report

Gain real-time visibility of all manual actions associated with an envelope and who performed each action. Easily track team members’ contributions to a particular envelope through our system.

User Statistics Report

View a summary of user-level performance information such as the number of envelopes processed by specific team members and the number of envelopes processed per hour. Easily measure and improve team performance.

User statistics report tables 

Monitor historical match rates with System Performance Reports

Billtrust Cash Application has five insightful System Performance Reports that enable you to visualize how match rates improve over time at both the envelope and invoice line-item levels, as well as investigate individual matches:

Match Envelope Trend Report

Provide monthly envelope-level match rates broken down over the past 12 months and weekly trends over the past 3 months.

Match Envelope Level Report

Display a summary of how many envelopes were matched and balanced automatically without human intervention with Billtrust Cash Application.

Match Line Item Trend Report

Give your team visibility of monthly line-item match rates broken down over the past 12 months and weekly trends over the past 3 months.

Match Line Item Level Report

View the percentage of line items that were matched for envelopes and made it to export. View the total number of remittances matched.

Match Line Item Detail Report

Provide context by sharing how invoices were matched within Billtrust Cash Application on an envelope level and who matched a payment in the system, streamlining the investigation process for specific matches.

bar graph of billtrust match envelope trend report 

Retrieve financial reports for auditors quickly with Audit Research Reports

External or internal audits of financial statements can be stressful experiences for many AR teams. Billtrust Cash Application makes it easy to retrieve the financial data that you need with historical payment volume, checks processed and envelope reports.

Envelope History Report

Audit the path each envelope took through Cash Application by displaying workflow queues.

Large Envelopes Report

Reviews envelopes that contain large numbers of remittance pages in real time.

Payment Invoice Volume Report

View overall payment and invoice volume processed through Billtrust Cash Application.

Checks Process Report

Gain visibility of all checks that were processed successfully within a specific date range.

User Actions Report

Display manual actions performed on specific envelopes for auditing and research purposes.

Envelope PIN Details Report

View how envelopes were applied in Billtrust Cash Application.

graph of billtrust payment and invoice volume report 

Gain visibility of remote check deposits with Remote Scanning Reports  

Receiving checks in the field for most AR teams can be a challenge. These checks need to be deposited quickly to support your business, but applying this cash can result in difficult and time-consuming work for your field teams. Billtrust Cash Application’s Remote Scanning Reports empower your staff with visibility of image cash letters, rejected payments, and exceptions.

Image Cash Letter Summary Report

Summarize total payments and deposit amounts for all remote deposits during a specific date range.

Rejected Payments Report

Give AR staff a summary of all rejected payments, most commonly associated with Remote Main Scan (RMS).

Manual Deposit Pull Report

Share visibility of payments that can’t be sent via an Image Cash Letter (ICL) file. This report provides insight into how many checks are deposited manually.

Scanned Check Image Report

Display exceptions identified within a scanned credit image for your staff to easily view in one streamlined location.

Image Cash Letter Detail Report

Provide check details for all remote deposits for a specific date.

What about custom reports?

If there is a nonstandard report that your cash application team needs, Billtrust’s Professional Services team can build a custom report for you. Fill out our contact form to learn more about any of Billtrust Cash Application’s reports and get a live demo.

Download Solution Guide

Learn valuable insights that empower your accounts receivable managers with Billtrust's Cash Application Reports.