Help your Staffing firm control cash flow with intelligent cash application

On-Demand Webinar

Why are staffing firms finding it more challenging to get cash on the books?

Recent research tells us that 81% of organizations have reported an increase in delayed payments. Your staffing firm may be looking at economic conditions or inefficient collections processes as the main culprits. But payment delays are likely coming from how your company applies cash, including reconciling with complex accounts payable or vendor management systems (VMS).

Join our on-demand webinar “Help your Staffing firm control cash flow with intelligent cash application” to learn how machine learning can help apply cash, including payments from VMS portals. We’ll demonstrate how you can collect money more efficiently, and automate the payment choices your customers demand.

Meet the speakers:

Tim Sarazen Headshot

Tim Sarazen

Vice President of Product, Billtrust

Matthew Thomas Headshot

Matt Thomas

Sr. Solutions Consultant, Billtrust

Staffing page mockup with staffing icon

Learn how Billtrust solutions can help your staffing agency

Control costs, accelerate cash flow, and keep your business clients and talent pool happy.

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